Unique Keyholder or Key Hooks.

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TURTLE KEY HIDER - ANIMAL MOTIF HIDE A KEYS - GARDEN ITEMSKeyholders. Go shopping for unique keyholders. This keyholders is amazing. TURTLE KEY HIDER - ANIMAL MOTIF HIDE A KEYS - GARDEN ITEMS 14965 TURTLE KEY HIDER! Unique Keyholders. Tuck this tiny turtle into a quiet corner beside your door, and he’ll keep your spare key safe and out of sight! A charming addition to your outdoor décor with a fabulously functional side, too!


Weight: 0.6 lbs. 4" x 3¾" x 1½" high. Cast iron. Retail Price: $9.95




Yepey is Licensed as Sole Proprietorship

Web: www.keyholders.yepey.com

E-mail: keyholders@yepey.com 

Address: 1319 S. Cougar Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837-9799 USA